Create a Healthier, Cleaner, All-Natural Indoor Environment with betterair
Betterair has invented and pioneered environmental probiotics (Enviro-Biotics), which provide safe, continuous, and practical biological cleaning of all your indoor spaces: Surfaces, Objects, and Air.
The Enviro-Biotics technologies result from over 12 years of research and collaboration of Israeli, South Korean, and United States scientists, where thousands of micro-organisms were isolated, collected and screened. The result is a special and unique patented formula, our Enviro-Biotics, which consists of multiple probiotic strains. Each is fully certified for efficacy and safety for people, animals, and the environment.
It is a 100% natural Bio-cleaner, cultured in modern, state-of-the-art ISO-9001 compliant laboratories.
betterair concept
How does it work?
“Our devices disperse tiny particles which encapsulate beneficial probiotics. Upon landing on surfaces and objects, it immediately goes to work, consuming dirt, pollutants, allergens, and other organic substances. The cleaned surfaces and objects are detrimental to harmful organism (pathogens) growth as they deny nutrients (food), resulting in their substantial decrease and eventual disappearance.“