Spread the love with ecoLove!
ecoLove Vision is to develop excellent care products containing the benefits of natural oils and extracts derived from organic vegetables, fruits and herbs.
We test each and every product and try them on ourselves to ensure uncompromising quality.
We provide variety of hair, body and face product: Hair mask, Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, hand soap, hand cream, facial cleansing gel, mineral mud mask, and micellar makeup removal.
ecoLove brand sprouted in 2011 out of love for nature and the desire to create a fresh wholesome personal care experience.
All ecoLove products are manufactured in Israel according to the highest international standards and made with certified organic extracts, Dead Sea salts, and top-quality natural ingredients.
Today, ecoLove products are sold in over 400 locations in the US, among them Whole Foods and Fresh Thyme, in addition to Amazon & iHERB and the brand is always open to additional exporting options.
Out of respect for humans and the environment, we will forever keep:
- Producing excellent and precise formulas down to the finest detail.
- Developing our products based on natural, organic ingredients.
- Adopting and implementing ecological and organic principles.
- Constantly improving products and packaging in line with scientific and technological innovations.
- Creating with love for life, bettering body, soul and our planet.
ecoLove is reducing the ecological footprint by meeting the following criteria:
- Organic ingredients.
- Recycled & recyclable packaging.
- Made with renewable alternative energy sources.
- Free from environmentally harmful substances.
Organiczone, the creator of ecoLove, is Israel's leading supplier for organic, ecological non-food consumer goods -
Home of healthy brands for the whole family.
We provide organic, natural, vegan, high-quality brands that are friendly to the body, the environment, and the animals, while maintaining ecological and social principles.
Our products can be found in over 600 health food stores, pharmacies and other sales points across the country, as well as online.
Organiczone imports and distributes these 7 leading brands in Israel: Organyc, Cottony, Mooncup, BioBon ,If You Care, Green Flash, Inka.
Target Clients
Women between the ages 19-45.
Looking for a healthier alternative for themselves, their family and the environment.
"Light Green" customers, a consumer sector with the highest growth potential in green consumerism.
Conscious consumerism from an agenda.
Checking ingredients in food and care products.
Influenced by health trends and value innovation.
Do not compromise on the quality and effectiveness of the product.
Reducers/vegetarians/vegans/eats organic food.
Looking for products that have not been tested on animals